[Answer ID: 14761]
How to: Verify or test port forwarding setup ?
Port forwarding setup on AirStation router can be verifird in one of the following ways :
1) start the server (server process/service) on the PC/LAN side.
you can use Netcat to simulate a server. Issue the following command on server PC :
nc -l -p LAN_side_PORT |
For example, if you have web server running on port 81, you can simulate a server by issuing the following command:
nc -l -p 81
2) Next, you have the following options to initiate a connection from external network to the WAN port.
A. use a web based port scanning tool provided by any 3rd party such as the following for example :
B. Alternatively, use Netcat software to connect or scan a range of ports on WAN side.
Issue, from a host outside your LAN network through WAN/Internet connection the following command:
echo hello | nc server_public_IP WAN_port
or telnet server_public_IP WAN_port |
A successful connection from a host outside the network to the server/PC is a confirmation that port forwarding setup is correct.
Trouble Shooting |
Check firewall settings on both client and server PCs :
to check firewall on your PC is not blocking the port, run Netcat as server and send an echo command from another command console on the same PC :
A) server on console#1: nc -l -p 8181
B) on same PC, client on console#2: echo hello | nc 8181
if you do not see the hello mesage on console 1, this means the port is blocked. change firewall settings to unblock the port.