[Answer ID: 14554]
A backup to a USB hard drive has failed.
The USB hard drive may be connected improperly.
Follow this procedure below to check the USB hard drive.
Step 1 Recognizing the USB hard drive
- In Settings, then navigate to “Backup”. Select the backup task and click [Delete Job(s)].
- Turn off the TeraStation power and the USB hard drive.
- Boot the USB hard drive and connect it to the TeraStation with a USB cable.
- Press the power button to start the TeraStation.
- Configure the backup task in Settings again.
Step 2 Releasing an allocation of the USB hard drive
No data is lost. Only the information concerning the USB hard drive connection is deleted from the TeraStation.
- In Settings, navigate to “USB drives”. Select the USB drives and click [Dismount Disk].
- Turn off the TeraStation power and the USB hard drive.
- Boot the USB hard drive , then press the power button to start the TeraStation.
Step 3 Formatting USB hard drive
In case no improvement is to be seen after having followed Step 1 and 2, check the format of the USB hard drive in use.
In case of "FAT32" format, changing upper- and lower-case of the folder/file name after the backup completion may cause a "rsync" (resynchronization) error.
The Linux OS running on the TeraStation is case-sensitive, whereas FAT lacks in uniqueness in terms of case-sensitivity in the file system level, which may result in inconformity with folder/file handling under the same name but different in cases.
Either XFS or EXT3 format is recommended for a stable backup operation on the TeraStation.