[Answer ID: 14554]

A backup to a USB hard drive has failed.

Created 07/30/2012 10:28  |   Updated 08/29/2014 09:38

The USB hard drive may be connected improperly.
Follow this procedure below to check the USB hard drive.


Step 1 Recognizing the USB hard drive

  1. In Settings, then navigate to “Backup”. Select the backup task and click [Delete Job(s)].
  2. Turn off the TeraStation power and the USB hard drive.
  3. Boot the USB hard drive and connect it to the TeraStation with a USB cable.
  4. Press the power button to start the TeraStation.
  5. Configure the backup task in Settings again.




Step 2 Releasing an allocation of the USB hard drive


No data is lost. Only the information concerning the USB hard drive connection is deleted from the TeraStation.

  1. In Settings, navigate to “USB drives”. Select the USB drives and click [Dismount Disk].
  2. Turn off the TeraStation power and the USB hard drive.
  3. Boot the USB hard drive , then press the power button to start the TeraStation.




Step 3 Formatting USB hard drive


In case no improvement is to be seen after having followed Step 1 and 2, check the format of the USB hard drive in use.

In case of "FAT32" format, changing upper- and lower-case of the folder/file name after the backup completion may cause a "rsync" (resynchronization) error.

The Linux OS running on the TeraStation is case-sensitive, whereas FAT lacks in uniqueness in terms of case-sensitivity in the file system level, which may result in inconformity with folder/file handling under the same name but different in cases.

Either XFS or EXT3 format is recommended for a stable backup operation on the TeraStation.



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