[Answer ID: 14246]

How can I find out the SSID and encryption key of the AirStation?

Created 06/05/2012 14:28  |   Updated 04/23/2014 15:02

To find out the SSID and Encryption key


Refer to label on the side of the unit.

The initial (factory reset) values of SSID and Encryption key are printed on the label.
For example, the label on WZR-HP-AG300H is shown bellow:


Refer to web configuration interface.

How to access the configuration interface of the AirStation

The Interface for Professional firmware is as follows:

Go to [Wireless] - [Wireless Security] tab.


The Interface for User-friendly firmware is as follows:

Go to [Wireless Config] - [Basic] tab to see details of security settings.


If AOSS or WPS security is setup, refer to AOSS or WPS tab for SSID and Key information

Note: In User-friendly Web Interface under [Wireless Config] - [Basic], the default encryption Key is always masked.
Be sure to keep a record, if default key is manually changed by administrator.



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