[Answer ID: 13899]

How do I reset and restore the CloudStation to factory default settings?

Created 01/10/2012 12:45  |   Updated 09/04/2013 10:32

There are 2 ways to initialize the settings of CloudStation.

  1. The way to initialize on the local Web interface
  2. The way to initialize with Function button (only for CS-WV, WX Series)

The way to initialize on the local Web interface

To initialize the CloudStation on the local Web interface, it is necessary to connect the PC and the CloudStation in the same network.

  1. Go and login to the local Web interface.
    Click here to learn how to login the local Web interface.

  2. Click [System]-[Maintenance] under Device Setting.
    Click the link in the prompt message.


  3. Click [OK] in the message. The screen turns to the sign in page for the local Web interface.


  4. Enter the device password into Device Password field.
    The defult device password is "password".


  5. Click [System]-[Maintenance] under Device Setting again. And then click [Restore].


    * The initialization process will not delete any data in the CloudStation basically. You, however, may check at "Erase data"
       before clicking [Restore], all data in the unit will be deleted completely.
    * The operation will not unsubscribe the device information from your account.
    * It may take several hours to complete the process when you choose to erase data.

[The settings will be reset by the initialization]
All settings you set on the local Web interface, except for the data in the CloudStation. 


The way to initialize with Function button (only for CS-WV, WX Series)

Click the link below and refer the first method to initialize your CloudStation with function button.

ImageTo initialize the LinkStation to its factory defaults

[The settings will be reset by the initialization]

  • IP address
  • Admin device password



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