[Answer ID: 12768]

What do the error/information codes indicate? (LS-WSXL/R1,LS-WSXSL/R1)

Created 06/22/2011 16:29  |   Updated 11/11/2013 12:07

 Diagram and Layout

There are 4 LEDs on the LinkStation: "Function", "Link/Act", "Info/Error", and "Power".


Function LED

Status Descriptions
Solid Blue DirectCopy is ready (lights for 1 minute).
USB device is dismounted (lights for 5 seconds).
Lights during initialization.
Blinking Blue

DirectCopy is in use.
Note:The function LED (blue) and the info/error LED (orange) blink together if an error occurs during DirectCopy.
Please do the following if this happens:

  1. Shut down the LinkStation.
  2. Detach the USB device from the LinkStation.
  3. Reattach the USB device to the LinkStation.
  4. Power on the LinkStation.

Link/Act LED

Status Descriptions
Solid green Linking 
Blinking green Accessing
Information LED

The Info/Error LED blinks orange when it has a message. The message is coded by the pattern of blinking.
Note: The messages are also available (uncoded) in NAS Navigator2.

Place of information code Status Display example
10s place of information code The LED illuminates for 1.0 seconds every 0.3 seconds.
The number of flashes is the tens place of the error code.


1s place of information code The LED illuminates for 0.5 seconds every 0.3 seconds.
The number of flashes is the ones place of the error code.


Information code Descriptions
I10 The internal temperature for the LinkStation may exceed the allowable value. Do not place objects in the area around the LinkStation, or install at a cooler location.
I11 The invalid sectors of the hard drive may reach a dangerous level. Replace the hard drive.
I12 The RAID array is being degraded mode.
I13 The RAID array is being formatted.
I14 The RAID array is being checked.
I15 The error status of the RAID array is being investigated.
*Data transfers will be slower than usual until this is complete.
I16 The RAID array is being created.
I17 The RAID array is being resynchronized.
*Data transfers will be slower than usual until this is complete .
I18 The RAID array is being reconfigured.
*Data transfers will be slower than usual until this is complete.
I19 The RAID array is being erased by filling 0 in the array.
I20 Formatting the hard drive.
I21 Checking the hard drive.
I22 Erasing the data of the hard drive.
I25 Updating the firmware.
*Do not turn LinkStation OFF during the update.
I26 Initializing the settings in the Web Admin interface.
I27 Checking a USB hard disk.
I28 Formatting a USB hard disk.
I32 Appears when RAID rebuilding or formatting on the web Admin interface is necessary after replacing the hard drive. Rebuild or format the RAID array in the LinkStation's Web Admin interface.
I46 Data is being transferred or RAID is being migrated.
Do not turn off LinkStation.
I47 Data is being transferred or RAID is being migrated.
Do not turn off LinkStation.
I52 A new firmware version has been released.
Update the firmware.

Error LED

The Info/Error LED blinks red to indicate an error. The error may be identified by the pattern of blinking.
Note: The error may also be viewed from NAS Navigator2.

Place of error code Status Display example
10s place of error code The LED illuminates for 1.0 seconds every 0.3 seconds.
The number of flashes is the tens place of the error code.


1s place of error code The LED illuminates for 0.5 seconds every 0.3 seconds.
The number of flashes is the ones place of the error code.


Information code Descriptions
E04 Firmware is failed.
Contact Buffalo technical support for assistance.
E10 Operating from UPS battery. The LinkStation will be shut down normally. After the LinkStation shuts down. Ensure the power supplied to the UPS, and if there is no problem, turn on the power for the LinkStation.
E11  Fan Error. The fan is spinning too slowly or has stopped. Move the unit to a cool place with good airflow and no objects blocking the fan. If the LED still turns on, contact Buffalo technical support for assistance.
E12 The system temperature has exceeded the safety value. Check that there are no objects around the LinkStation, or install at a cooler location.
E13 An error occurred in the RAID array. Operation will continue, but in degraded mode. Replace the failed drive indicated by the red LED. After replacement, rebuild the RAID array by following the setup screen after starting the LinkStation.
E14 The RAID cannnot be mounted.
Perform disk checking of the RAID array on the web Admin interface of LinkStation.
E15 Hard drive cannot be found.
The hard drive is not connected, or maybe failed. Set the hard drive again after shutting down the LinkStation.
E16 Hard drive cannot be found.
The hard drive is not connected, or maybe failed. Set the hard drive again after shutting down the LinkStation.
E22 Mounting of the hard drive failed. Format the hard drive. If the error still appears after formatting and restarting, replace the hard drive. If the error still appears, contact Buffalo technical support for assistance.
E23 An error occurred, and the hard drive was removed from the RAID array.
Click here to see how to solve it.
E30 An error occurred, so hard drive X was removed from the RAID array.
Replace hard drive X. For details, see the separate sheet "Hard Drive Replacement Procedure".



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